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Congratulations: CQJTU’s Confucius Institute in Abomey-Calavi University Benin Has Been Awarded “Excellent Confucius Institute in Media Engagement of 2023”

Date:2024年04月12日 17:11 Author:CQJTU

In recent years, Chongqing Jiaotong University’s Confucius Institute in Abomey-Calavi University Benin has actively contributed articles to platforms such as WeChat and Douyin of the Confucius Institute, telling wonderful stories of the institute and promoting its positive image, thus making a significant contribution to enhancing the brand influence of the Confucius Institute.

Chinese International Education Foundation evaluated over 300 Confucius Institutes globally in terms of the quantity and quality of submissions, employment status, originality of articles and videos, etc. Our institute stood out and was awarded the title of “Excellent Confucius Institute in Media Engagement of 2023”, becoming one of the 31 institutes to receive this honor.
